remove background
.. (up a directory)
USB1/ | content of first USB key (needs confirmation)
USB2/ | content of second USB key
USB3/ | content of third USB key
operationswamp0000-detail/ | detail pictures of the billboard |
pilgrims/ | transcript of chat at http |
survivalism_screencaps/ | |
thumbnails/ | |
216-333-1810.mp3 | audio of phone number found in 2432.mp3
2432-spectrograph.jpg | spectrograph of file on USB2 shows (216) phone number
310-295-1040.mp3 | |
866-445-6580.mp3 | |
AnotherVersionOfThePast.png | |
HDDVD-001.jpg | pics of words printed on HD-DVD, pointing to new site
HDDVD-002.jpg | pics of words printed on HD-DVD, pointing to new site
HDDVD-003.jpg | pics of words printed on HD-DVD, pointing to new site
The_Beginning_Of_The_End.mp3 | |
ballgameOver.mp3 | |
buttons01.jpg | |
buttons02.jpg | |
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buttons21.jpg | |
buttons22.jpg | |
buttons23.jpg | |
buttons24.jpg | |
flyer-brixton1.jpg | |
flyer-brixton2.jpg | |
my_violent_heart-spectrograph.png | spectrograph of noise at end of song, showing The Presence
ninlitho.jpg | |
nintourshirt.jpg | concert shirt with highlighted numbers pointing to (310) phone number
nohurry.mp3 | |
nottingham_flyer.jpg | flyer distributed at concert in Nottingham
opalo.mp3 | |
operationswamp0000.jpg | billboard of Operation Swamp 0000, from
paris_flyer.jpg | flyer distributed at concert in Paris
putinorder.wav | | | |
survivalism-ipod.mp4 | |
survivalism.pdf | |
thermal-printing-after.jpg | |
thermal-printing-before.jpg | |
tourtshirt.jpg | concert shirt with highlighted letters pointing to iamtryingtobelieve
yearzerotrailer-ipod.mp4 | |