Over His Head
Moshe Krasnecky wanted to o
American Trust turned down his loan applic

Refusing to take the hint, Moshe turned to f
(cognitively delayed after a childhood car accident) to loan him money from the trust their
parents had established for him.

When the business was in danger of go
dye where he worked wh
loansharks. Moshe and Sy fell behind in payments, and the loan
business’; the practice of using Moshe’s name and credit to order tens of thousands of
dollars worth of goods which they sold on the black market.

Sy told the loansharkers he wo
landfill workers; authorities believe he was probably beaten into unconsciousness and left
in a dumpster due for sanitation pickup.

Moshe Krasnecky’s wife divorced him and he was convicted of failing to report criminal
activity and blackmarket racketeering.

Our national bank uses data from your financial records, school transcripts, and even
medical records and genetic profiling to determine who deserves
If the bank turns you dow

Would you undermine the economy of this country by doing business with the criminal

Is any business opportunity worth the lives of your family?

Over His Head
Moshe Krasnecky wanted to open a copy shop/mailing franchise, but after careful profiling
American Trust turned down his loan application.

Refusing to take the hint, Moshe turned to family. His convinced his brother Sy Krasnecky
(cognitively delayed after a childhood car accident) to loan him money from the trust their
parents had established for him.

When the business was in danger of going under, Sy found some ‘friends’ at the tool and
dye where he worked who would ‘loan’ him some money. Sy didn’t understand
loansharks. Moshe and Sy fell behind in payments, and the loansharkers ‘turned out their
business’; the practice of using Moshe’s name and credit to order tens of thousands of
dollars worth of goods which they sold on the black market.

Sy told the loansharkers he would tell the police. Six days later his body was found by
landfill workers; authorities believe he was probably beaten into unconsciousness and left
in a dumpster due for sanitation pickup.

Moshe Krasnecky’s wife divorced him and he was convicted of failing to report criminal
activity and blackmarket racketeering.

Our national bank uses data from your financial records, school transcripts, and even
medical records and genetic profiling to determine who deserves credit and who does not.
If the bank turns you down, remember: they have your best interests at heart.

Would you undermine the economy of this country by doing business with the criminal

Is any business opportunity worth the lives of your family?