WRECKAGE: wetwork

WRECKAGE: wetwork
SHARD: c276E4


From: <undiscl osed>
To: <undisclosed>
Date: 10 Feb. 0000
Subject: what you asked about

It’s not impossible. Di

1) Drink Mexica n beer
You have a huge advantage living in San Diego. Rem
Tecate, Dos Equis, etc.
2) Milk does a bod
Juices all come from concentrate these days, but milk still comes straight from the cow. (Ever wonder why ki
much more energy?) Bessy’s liver has done part of the job for you. Be grateful.
3) Collect rainw ater
Too proud to put a few coffee cans out on the window sill? Then you get what you deserve.
4) Avoid ice cubes
Obvious, I know, but you’d be amazed how many people forget this.
5) Don’t try to be perfect.
Listen, some of this shit is going to get into you. Don’t give up. The idea that you can’t win so you shouldn’t try is just th
Take it in little steps.

Tune in. Cut dow n. Wake up.

From: <undisclosed>
To: <undisclosed>
Date: 10 Feb. 0000
Subject: what you asked about

It’s not impossible. Difficult, yeah. Not impossible.

1) Drink Mexican beer
You have a huge advantage living in San Diego. Remember, since Busch bought Pacifica, it’s bottled in the US. No good. Stick with
Tecate, Dos Equis, etc.
2) Milk does a body good
Juices all come from concentrate these days, but milk still comes straight from the cow. (Ever wonder why kids seem to have SO
much more energy?) Bessy’s liver has done part of the job for you. Be grateful.
3) Collect rainwater
Too proud to put a few coffee cans out on the window sill? Then you get what you deserve.
4) Avoid ice cubes
Obvious, I know, but you’d be amazed how many people forget this.
5) Don’t try to be perfect.
Listen, some of this shit is going to get into you. Don’t give up. The idea that you can’t win so you shouldn’t try is just the drug talking.
Take it in little steps.

Tune in. Cut down. Wake up.