Meeting raided.

Edited footage (Quicktime Low/9:56/43MB) 
Edited footage (Quicktime High/9:56/144MB) 
Rescued RAW footage (Streaming Flash/39:19)  

On April 18, 2007, Open Source Resistance hosted a gathering in LA. Musicians, artists, and ordinary people
gathered in support of a simple message: speak up to defend the things that matter to you. The concert
planned to end the evening was broken up by police.

If They stop you from speaking, they’re killing freedom. If you just can’t be bothered to speak, freedom will
die just the same.

Wake up and give a shit.
To use Open Source Resistance, you must submit one of the following:
Content: You care about something: global
warming, election fraud, book banning, civil rights.
You’ve made an issue ad, a cool Flash movie, a bumper
sticker, an audio file. Send it to me.
Platforms: You have a website, a small
press, a job at the local copy center. You’re a DJ or a
librarian or a mailroom guy at a big company. You want
to help get subversive stuff out into the world and have
access to some sort of communication platform.
Send it to me.
If your content or platform passes the exacting standards of the selection committee (meaning, if I think it’s cool
and I’m not so swamped with regular life that I don’t get to it) I’ll set up the match, and push the content out over
the platform.

That’s all you have to do. Send me content or a platform, and someday soon you might just find your message
inserted in a major newspaper, or posted somewhere for the world to see.

It’s resistance made available to everyone.
Featured Submitted Content
Here’s a user-submitted piece of work that I think deserves to be seen in the world. If you agree, think about
how you can help make that happen.

April 17, 2007
Mailing List:
If you would like to join OSR’s mailing list, send me an email here.

This means that you might get contacted about dissident art or happenings. I will not sell or otherwise share
your information with spammers, marketers, or even real nice people working for worthy causes.