
This is a picture of a mural in London, England, before it was stolen. Besides being incredibly cool to look at, it was inspired
by some scary shit on the web. There are a growing number of artists and scientist I know who have had someone tip them
off to a series of very disturbing URLs.
Maybe you see your name in one, or a bit of a painting, or you find a fragment of a lyric that you haven’t even recorded yet,
and it makes you sit up and take notice.
Look, we all know this but we don’t KNOW this: if we don’t get off our asses, in fifteen years this might be a world where we
don’t want to live.
Content: You care about something: global warming, election fraud, book banning, civil rights. You’ve made an issue ad, a cool Flash movie, a bumper sticker, an animated GIF. Or whatever. You sent it to your friends, but you think it’s cool and want to get it in front of more people. Send it to me.
If it passes the exacting standards of the selection committee (meaning, if I think it’s cool and I’m not so swamped with regular life that I don’t get to it) I’ll post it. That’s an archive of content.
Platforms: You have a website, a small press, a job at the local copy center. You’re a DJ or a librarian or a mailroom guy at a big company. You want to help get subversive stuff out into the world but when you try to think of a good idea, your head hurts.
Pull stuff from the site and put it out there. That’s a publishing network. (And if you’ve got a connection, for instance you think you can slip something into a major newspaper,
tell me!)
Obviously, if we get a chance to slip something into a real world network, you need to own the image. You can argue the copyright laws pro and con, but frankly, if I’m going to get fined or jailed, I want it to be for my crimes, not yours. I have a lead on some print opportunities. If you have a message that might work in a magazine or newspaper, own the image and build camera-ready art (vector or 300 dpi). Please submit 72 dpi art for review and posting on the website – I’ll contact you personally if camera-ready art is required.
“According to Harper’s, we could have ratified the Kyoto Protocol on global warming and complied with all their requirements for the same amount of money we have already spent on the Iraq War. How do you wish those tax dollars had been spent? Which of those things would have had a greater impact of your child’s quality of life?"
Awareness leads to action. Knowledge is a weapon. SAY SOMETHING. Put it somewhere.
“Do girls really matter that much less than boys? And hey, do you feel safer about living in a world with an extra 200 million teenage guys that can’t get laid?"
Mailing List:
If you would like to join OSR’s mailing list, send me an email here.
This means that you might get contacted about dissident art or happenings. I will not sell or otherwise share your
information with spammers, marketers, or even real nice people working for worthy causes.